Nobody thinks that you do not already know how to study. You certainly do and probably do it every day in connection with your school or university. However, you could do even better and be even more successful in your schoolwork, tests or exams if you follow a few simple tips.
Do you ever find that music blasting from your headphones or speakers will just not let you concentrate? Or that your phone keeps alerting you of exciting things and activities on Instagram and Facebook?
The thing is, any activity on the side while studying – including constant interaction with your phone – can significantly hinder your concentration and therefore prolong your overall study time. Have you ever been chatting with a friend and suddenly realised that the clock has struck midnight and that you have not had time to do your schoolwork yet?
You can find some useful tips here about planning your studies better and getting your assignments done in good time. While these may seem obvious or like something you already know or have at least heard of, you might find that they are actually very helpful. Especially if you struggle to get to grips with your studies and your schoolwork seems to be going nowhere. Try it out and see if it works!
Successful learning hacks
- Turn off the music playing on your headphones or speakers.
- Mute your phone so you are not distracted by notifications.
- Close other windows on your computer.
- Study intensively, but for short periods of time, in order to retain focus and clear thinking.
- Schedule a specific time to do your schoolwork.
- Get enough rest so you do not feel tired while studying.
We wish you the very best with your learning and a fresh mind!
Prepared by the youth information portal Teeviit on the basis of MTÜ Peaasjad
The MTÜ Peaasjad promotes mental health, deals with problem prevention, early intervention and stigma reduction in our society.
Published in the youth information portal Teeviit in 2021.