How to live a healthy life?

Ensuring a healthy lifestyle is up to the individual person. It is mostly related to nutrition and exercise, as well as addictive substances and even the thoughts in your head. A healthy life primarily concerns the balance between physical and mental health.

      Be sensible with food

Simply put, healthy nutrition means that you do not eat more or less than your body needs, and that you eat a balanced diet – food gives your body the necessary protein, carbohydrates, fats, fibre, and vitamins.

      Eat the right amount

No food is healthy or unhealthy, beneficial, or harmful – everything depends on the amount and frequency. It is important to eat breakfast and avoid excessive consumption of soft drinks and alcohol.

      Make sure to move about enough

In addition to nutrition, it is important to exercise to keep your body healthy. Getting energy, i.e. eating, and burning the energy received from that food must be balanced. To do so, to maintain your metabolism and ensure good health, you should definitely exercise and reduce how much you sit down per day, especially in front of your various screens. Therefore, it is good to go and work out or take a walk outdoors after school or work.

       Avoid addictive substances

Various addictive substances, such as tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, including energy drinks, put excessive strain on the body and are not recommended, regardless of age. No fruit or jogging can compensate the damage that using addictive substances does to your body.

      Maintain your mental health

It is important for us to be mentally healthy – to be positive, satisfied, and happy. It is also essential that we and other people do not harm our mental health or influence our thoughts in a negative way. There is no point in spending time on something you cannot change or influence or wasting energy on people who are not good companions. 


      Be active – move more, sit less.

      Start your day off with breakfast.

      Eat regularly.

      Eat at least five handfuls of fruits and vegetables per day.

      Prefer fish to meat.

      Do not use addictive substances or overdo it with alcohol.

      Appreciate food.

      Think positively!

Written by the youth information portal Teeviit based on the source of the National Institute for Health Development at

The National Institute for Health Development is a public research and development institution which conducts research on public health, disease prevention programmes and activities and promotes health.

Published on the website of Teeviit in 2022.

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