What to consider when renting your first apartment?
Moving into your first rental is the start of a new chapter in your life.
Moving into your first rental is the start of a new chapter in your life.
Human rights are understood as equal rights that apply to every member of human society.
People differ from each other in appearance, interests, activities, choices and abilities, but they are
To ensure the welfare and safety of children, Estonia joined the United Nations in 1991,
The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1989 by the General
Security cameras are not just for watching people at school or work. They have a
An e-service is a service that is provided and used via electronic channels, mainly through
Participation, as young people’s say in society, expressing their wishes and making their voices heard,
In the context of self-development and independence, it is also important to talk about values
Recently, while reading my resume, I discovered that I could write a book about my
I have, quite literally, grown up with the Union for Child Welfare. In our family,
Teeviit youth-info on veebileht, kust leiad kümne eri teemavaldkonna kohta info, mis pärineb usaldusväärsetest ja kontrollitud allikatest. Teemadena on kajastatud õppimine, noorsootöö, meediapädevus, töötamine, rahatarkus, noorte õigused, füüsiline tervis, vaime tervis, seksuaaltervis, suhted, keskkond, ohutus.
Info on eesti, inglise, vene ja ukraina keeles.
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