Capable, talented, cheerful, witty – is it really so?
Which qualities do we think about when we hear the word ‘depression’? We are very
Which qualities do we think about when we hear the word ‘depression’? We are very
Every so often, you may feel sad, disappointed, upset, irritated or downcast. All these feelings
Here are some suggestions on how to cope with depression and help yourself: Do not
Anxiety and fear can strike us when we face an unfamiliar situation: before an exam,
There is no single specific symptom that tells you if someone is depressed. For example,
Self-harm is when a person consciously inflicts pain on themselves. However, it can also be
Minor anxiety in situations where one is expected to perform in front of others or
Over the last years, the body positivity movement has garnered a lot of popularity. More
We all face problems in our lives. Sometimes a problem can seem overwhelming or beyond
Everyone can have problems with family, friends, neighbours or school. Problems make us feel sad,
I want to share my story to show how important it is to look after
Lisbeth’s experience with eating disorders (name changed) “As soon as I started upper secondary school,
Teeviit youth-info on veebileht, kust leiad kümne eri teemavaldkonna kohta info, mis pärineb usaldusväärsetest ja kontrollitud allikatest. Teemadena on kajastatud õppimine, noorsootöö, meediapädevus, töötamine, rahatarkus, noorte õigused, füüsiline tervis, vaime tervis, seksuaaltervis, suhted, keskkond, ohutus.
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