What should you keep in mind when you start investing?
Although every investment is a risk, sometimes it is possible to mitigate these risks, or
Although every investment is a risk, sometimes it is possible to mitigate these risks, or
No one would probably say no to extra money. But how do you earn it?
The reminder to be extremely careful and cautious is, in most cases, not enough to
Our state receives the majority of state budget revenue from taxes. The money received from
Youth information portal Teeviit interviewed Miljonineiu on the topic of financial literacy and entrepreneurship to
Establish what is important to you financially and what you would like to achieve. Do
Remuneration for work in generally paid to the employee’s bank account. The amount that is
Teeviit youth-info on veebileht, kust leiad kümne eri teemavaldkonna kohta info, mis pärineb usaldusväärsetest ja kontrollitud allikatest. Teemadena on kajastatud õppimine, noorsootöö, meediapädevus, töötamine, rahatarkus, noorte õigused, füüsiline tervis, vaime tervis, seksuaaltervis, suhted, keskkond, ohutus.
Info on eesti, inglise, vene ja ukraina keeles.
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