What are the public, private and third sectors?
Nowadays, young people have more freedom than ever to choose where and how they work.
Nowadays, young people have more freedom than ever to choose where and how they work.
Getting your first job – be it a summer job or starting after graduation –
Going to work and earning your own money – many young people can hardly wait!
Every job interview has so-called usual questions that will give the interviewer the most important
When applying for a job, you need to prepare some documents, so that your future
Usually, when applying for a job, a motivation letter is presented in addition to the
I have been working since 2014, which means that I have about eight years of
Do you know what the employment contract stipulates and what should definitely be present in
The youth information portal Teeviit interviewed Kadri Mäsak about entrepreneurship and financial literacy. I am
We have done a story with Kristel, who shares her memories of entering the job
Teeviit youth-info on veebileht, kust leiad kümne eri teemavaldkonna kohta info, mis pärineb usaldusväärsetest ja kontrollitud allikatest. Teemadena on kajastatud õppimine, noorsootöö, meediapädevus, töötamine, rahatarkus, noorte õigused, füüsiline tervis, vaime tervis, seksuaaltervis, suhted, keskkond, ohutus.
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